ArticlesRaspberry Pi Projects

Install OpenCV On Raspberry Pi With Command


This tutorial describes the steps necessary to Install OpenCV On Raspberry Pi 3. The process is simple and only requires a few minutes. Once installed, you will have access to a wide variety of example programs that demonstrate the power of this toolkit.

Installing OpenCV on a Raspberry Pi is a relatively easy method. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install OpenCV 4 on your Raspberry Pi 4.

A great way to get started with computer vision is to use the OpenCV library on a Raspberry Pi. OpenCV is a powerful library that can be used to develop computer vision applications

Required Material

In this tutorial, you will learn how to install OpenCV on your Raspberry Pi. You will need the following items to complete this tutorial: –

  • Raspberry Pi
  • MicroSD card
  • USB power supply
  • Keyboard
  • Mouse First

First, make sure you have a good power supply and a reliable SD card. We recommend using a 16GB SD card or larger.

Check the Raspberry Pi OS version on Raspberry PI

Here is what mine:

See I am using “Raspbian GNU/Linux version 11”.

Set Up Your Raspberry Pi

First, we need to make sure that our Raspberry Pi is up to date. We can do this by running the following commands:  Cool, we’re ready. Let’s update the Pi:

Install OpenCV On Raspberry Pi

Now that our Raspberry Pi is up to date.

Install Python

Once we have updated Raspberry Pi OS, we go to the terminal and type python3  

python and as you will notice, python is already installed, this time in version 3.9.2.

If you don’t have Python then use the following command will download Python directly onto your machine.

Install pip

Python package manager (Pip) is a package manager for Python that allows you to install and manage software packages written in Python.

This will install the latest version of pip. Once pip is installed, you can use it to install packages from the Python Package Index, a repository of software written in Python.

Install OpenCV On Raspberry Pi With Command

We are going to install OpenCV version

The command overhead will install all required packages to run OpenCV.

The installation is complete

To verify the installation, import the cv2 module and print the OpenCV version:

To verify the installation, import the cv2 module and print the OpenCV version:

Open Cv2
You will get something similar to this.


After following these steps, you will have OpenCV installed on your Raspberry Pi.

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