Arduino Projects

Analog Joystick with Arduino Tutorial


In this tutorial, we’ll be using a Joystick With Arduino. Joysticks are great for a whole host of applications, including gaming, robotics, and more. With an Arduino, you can easily interface with a joystick and use it to control anything you want. Let’s get started! Analogue joysticks are used in many devices, such as video game controllers, drawing tablets, and industrial control panels. They are also used in some robots and other mechanical control systems.

We’ll use the Arduino to read the position of the joystick and the button and use that information to control the colour of an LED.

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What is an Analog Joystick?Analog Joystick with Arduino Tutorial

A JoyStick is an input device that allows a user to control a character or object on a screen. They are typically used in video games and are made up of a few key components: a stick, buttons, and an actuator. The stick is the main component and is used to control the character or object. The buttons are used to perform different actions, such as jumping or shooting. The actuator is a device that converts the user’s input into an electrical signal. JoySticks typically use potentiometers to measure the position of the stick. A potentiometer is a variable resistor that changes its resistance based on the position of the wiper.

How does an Analog Joystick work?

Analog joysticks are typically calibrated so that the centre position produces a voltage of zero. As the lever is moved away from the centre, the voltage increases. The further the lever is moved, the higher the voltage. The up/down and left/right directions are typically mapped to the X and Y axes, respectively.

Analog joysticks are considered to be superior to digital joysticks because they offer more precise control. When used for gaming, analog joysticks allow for more nuanced movements, such as slow and precise aiming, that are not possible with digital joysticks.

Check the best tutorial-

Joystick module specifications and features:

  • Model: KY-023
  • Operating voltage: 3.3V – 5VDC
  • Analog axes: X and Y
  • Button: Z axis

Joystick module pinout

Let’s have a look at the pinout of the 2-axis Thumb Joystick module.

Joystick module pinout

  1. GND is the Ground Pin to which we connect the GND pin on the Arduino.
  2. VCC supplies power for the module. You can connect it to 5V output from your Arduino.
  3. VRx gives a readout of the joystick in the horizontal direction (X-coordinate)
  4. VRy gives a readout of the joystick in the vertical direction (Y-coordinate)
  5. SW is the output from the push button. It’s normally open, meaning the digital readout from the SW pin will be HIGH. When the button is pushed, it will connect to GND, giving output LOW.

How to connect an Analog Joystick to an Arduino?

Code for reading data from the joystick

Control LED Using Joystick moduleJoystick With Arduino

Control LED with Joystick module

Code for Control LED with Joystick module

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